Monday 6 July 2009

Use Weight Training As Your Secret Weapon for Weight Loss

Everyone knows the simple equation for weight loss. That is, if you take in fewer calories than you burn off you will lose weight. For the most part, this can be achieved with calorie control alone up to a certain point. However, the more you cut your calories the more your body's metabolic rate will slow until ultimately weight loss will come to a virtual standstill. In this article, we'll take a look at how you can use weight training to help you increase your metabolism into your fat burning back on track.

The basic reason that weight training is effective is that it can help to counteract a dieter’s slowing metabolic rate. The reason for this is because muscle burns more calories than fat. Consider the basic difference between young people and old people. Generally speaking younger people have more muscle mass than older people and so they can typically get away with eating more calories. As we get older, we begin to lose more and more of her muscle mass, especially after 30 years of age. When it comes to weight loss, weight training has the effect of turning back the clock and giving an older person the ability to eat more calories and still lose weight.

The best way to incorporate weight training is to try to work all the major muscle groups about three times per week. A common routine that many people follow is to work the chest, shoulders and triceps on Monday, the back and biceps on Wednesday and the legs on Friday. Just by following this simple plan you will begin seeing results. The more you can involve the larger muscles the more muscle mass you will gain and the more calories you will burn. A nice side benefit to gaining muscle is that your clothes will fit better and you will look much better in them!

Lastly, remember that as great as weight training is, it’s not a free lunch. You must still eat healthy natural foods and control your portion sizes to keep your weight under control. That said, more and more research is showing that simply by incorporating weight training into your weight loss program you can achieve your goals quicker than by just cutting calories alone. So if you find your weight loss has plateaued consider adding weight training to get you to your goals more quickly.

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